We are delighted to announce the next Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry which will be taking place on May 15-17 2023 in Paris.
No more places are left, the maximum number of attendees has been reached.
**Abstract submission are now CLOSED **
Since 1983, IMMS aims to gather worldwide scientists working in the field of mass spectrometry and to provide friendly and informal exchanges between young and recognized scientists in the field. For the first time and on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of IMMS, the meeting will be organized in Paris, on the Cordeliers campus at Sorbonne University, located in the center of the city. This event is organized in partnership with 5 universities of the 4EU+ alliance.
As instituted by the founders, Pietro Traldi, Károly Vékey and their co-workers, no participation fees are requested for the meeting. Besides accommodation and travel costs, a contribution will be asked for social activities and conference diner.
We strongly encourage all participants and in particular early-stage researchers to submit a poster or an oral abstract. The number of participants being restricted to 150, we therefore recommend you to proceed to your registration as early as possible. First and foremost, registration will be confirmed to attendees submitting an abstract and only later to other participants.
In addition, Paris being a very attractive destination in May, make sure to secure your accomodation as early as possible.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Paris in 2023!
The local Sorbonne University Organizing Committee
Héloïse Dossmann and Emmanuelle Sachon, chairwomen
Gilles Frison
Clément Chalet
Denis Lesage
Lucrèce Matheron
Matthieu Regnacq
Elodie Sadowski
Christel Venturini
The abstract template can be download here.